28 January 2011

Blackberry's long slide and wasted opportunities.

BlackBerry are running out of time: What can they do?

Obamba's ride to power promised change for America.  It was also the high point for the Canadian firm Research In Motion (AKA "RIM") as Obama was well known for his love of his Blackberry. The secret service tried hard to take it from him, but Obama fought hard to keep it.  He eventually won, but modifications had to be made. This generated a lot of publicity for the already dominant company and made the "dad's old business tool" something cool to have, even cooler than iPhones.

I never understand fashion very well.

For those who know me personally, you will have heard me bitching about the iPhone 4 I got recently, replacing the Blackberry Bold 9000.  The Bold was an older, slower device but has so many interface issues that are just obviously right. For one, it has a full tactile QWERTY keyboard.  Buttons are something that Steve Jobs notoriously hates.  So sure, they got the touch screen right, but it's still not and never will be a full keyboard. Menes - clear "right click" or "drop down" style menus.  No no, Apple doesn't like that idea. Gah - its what you think I should want, and not what I tell you what I actually want.

I recently lamented on Facebook that:
Moving from blackberry to iPhone is like dumping a great girlfriend for a hot fling. Sexy but useless. Jealous and controlling. Not helpful and does everything the way they want to do it no matter how backwards and idiotic that might be. 

It is such a shame to see a good company loose its way.  It gave in to some pretty totalitarian governments and let them search their databases. It's getting thumped by Apple, which is in so many ways an inferior product. The truth is that companies can rise and fall quickly. MS goes from dominant to Office only.  Palm the market maker to spare parts rubbish heap out the back of HP offices. I'd like the Blackberry NOT to slide into this category, although i'm sure there are already 75% on their way there.

There is a lot I didn't like about the Blackberry, but there is a lot more to hate about the iPhone as a user.  Reception being one of these things.

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